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[Datastream #LLB-351971]: Question about FNEXRAD datasets

Hi Munsung,

Sorry for the slow reply.  A water main broke in our building yesterday,
and we were all forced to leave, so I couldn't get to making a binary
ldm-mcidas distribution available.

re: have you been using the TDS for access to the N0R composites?

> Yes, but I used the N0R composites with a grib2 format.
> So, at that time, I did not face with this issue.

OK, this explains a lot!

re: do you want me to cut a binary distribution of the ldm-mcidas decoders
and what OS are you using

> Yes, please. If you can do that, it should be helpful a lot for me.
> Now, I am using Linux Mint 18.1 (64-bit).

I do not have access to a Mint installation, sorry.  I did find an
ldm-mcidas v2012 binary distribution that I built under CentOS x86_64
that I had built previously, and I copied it to our anonymous FTP
server as follows:

machine:   ftp.unidata.ucar.edu
user:      anonymous
pass:      your email address
directory: pub/ldm-mcidas/Binary/CentOS_x86_64
file:      ldm-mcidas-2012-bin.tar.gz

The ldm-mcidas decoders were written to work with an LDM installation,
so the following follows the assumption that you are going to use
it in the 'ldm' account:

- download the binary distribution to the HOME directory of 'ldm'

- unpack the distribution:

  tar xvzf ldm-mcidas-2012-bin.tar.gz

- copy the decoder(s) of interest from the unpack 'bin' directory to
  the ~ldm/decoders directory

  For example:

  cp ldm-mcidas-2012/bin/pngg2gini ~/decoders

- copy the SATANNOT and SATBAND files to the LDM 'etc' directory, ~ldm/etc

  For example:

  cp ldm-mcidas-2012/etc/SAT* ~/etc

The first "acid" test will be if all of the shared library references are
satisfied.  This is easily tested by:

cd ~ldm
ldd decoders/pngg2gini

If all shared libraries are found/satisfied, try running the decoder with
no arguments to get its help:


The output should like like:

Example Usage:
       /home/ldm/decoders/pngg2gini <-vxl-> IMGfile < infile 
       /home/ldm/decoders/pngg2gini <-vxl-> -f infile IMGfile
    -h              Print the help, then exit the program

    Satellite definitions:
    -f infile       Pathname for input PNG compressed file (default is stdin)

    -l logname      Log file name (default uses local0; use '-' for stdout)
    -v              Verbose logging
    -x              Debug logging

    IMGfile         Output image pathname mask (no default)

                    'IMGfile' may contain 'replaceables':
                      \AREA - image coverage info
                      \BAND - image band info
                      \RES  - image resolution info
                      \SAT  - satellite platform info

                    and 'strftime' style day/time specifiers:
                      %Y    - image year       [CCYY]
                      %m    - image month      [MM]
                      %d    - image day        [DD]
                      %j    - image Julian day [JJJ]
                      %H    - image hour       [HH]
                      %M    - image minute     [MM]

Example Invocation:
    ./pngg2gini -l - -f pngfile data/images/\AREA/\RES/\BAND/\BAND_%Y%m%d.%H%M

might expand to the equivalent:
    ./pngg2gini -l - -f pngfile data/images/NHEM-COMP/8km/6.8um/20000511.2000

Next, I would download the FNEXRAD DHR composite image(s) that you are
interested in "decoding" (uncompressing is more, but not totally, accurate)
and then start slogging.

> Thank you very much for your help, Tom.

No worries.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: LLB-351971
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata 
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web.  If 
you do not want to have your interactions made available in this way, you must 
let us know in each email you send to us.