Showing entries tagged [unidata]

2023 Users Workshop Explores Storytelling with Earth Systems Science Data

2023 Users Workshop Attendees
2023 Users Workshop Attendees

The 2023 Unidata Users Workshop, with the theme Storytelling with Earth Systems Science Data: Challenges and Opportunities for Effective, Ethical, and Reproducible Science , took place June 5-8 Boulder, Colorado and online. The Unidata Users Committee hosted the workshop to advance our collective ability to tell effective and ethical stories using Earth System Science Data. The challenge of storytelling with our data was infused throughout the event; workshop attendees ranging from graduate students to senior scientists explored ways to communicate the meaning of scientific ideas in effective and ethical ways, using a variety of different kinds of data, and taking advantage of new tools like Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML).

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Last Week to Register for the 2023 Unidata Users Workshop

2018 Users Workshop

Registration for the 2023 Unidata Users Workshop
is open through May 15.

The Unidata Users Committee invites you to join Unidata staff, community members, and distinguished speakers this June in Boulder, Colorado. The goal of this year's workshop is to raise awareness about how to access and use Earth Systems Science data, and to explore approaches to tell the stories of our science in a way that is reproducible, responsible, and robust. Scientists and educators from the Earth Systems Science community will present ideas and techniques for making effective use of geoscience data and share activities, course materials, and ideas for improving education and research.

The workshop, titled Storytelling with Earth System Science Data: Challenges and Opportunities for Effective, Ethical, and Reproducible Science, is scheduled for June 5-8, 2023.

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Unidata Committee Nominations Open


Unidata is governed by its community. Our governing committees facilitate consensus-building for future directions of the Unidata Program and establish standards of involvement for the community. Direct involvement in the Program by the academic community helps Unidata stay on top of trends in Earth Systems Science education and research; for example, recent initiatives on Python and cloud-based computing have benefited tremendously from committee advice and involvement.

We are looking for creative people at U.S. universities and colleges who are using Unidata products and services — or who are familiar with Unidata — to help guide the program in addressing the needs of our broadening community. We need the insights of active educators and researchers to spot new opportunities and take advantage of the expanding range of scientific data. We're looking for help identifying new tools and services — along with improvements to our existing offerings — that will advance the scientific and educational goals of the community.

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Register Now for the 2023 Unidata Users Workshop

2012 Users Workshop
Bring a poster!

Registration for the 2023 Unidata Users Workshop is now open.

The Unidata Users Committee invites you to join Unidata staff, community members, and distinguished speakers this June in Boulder, Colorado. The goal of this year's workshop is to raise awareness about how to access and use Earth Systems Science data, and to explore approaches to tell the stories of our science in a way that is reproducible, responsible, and robust. Scientists and educators from the Earth Systems Science community will present ideas and techniques for making effective use of geoscience data and share activities, course materials, and ideas for improving education and research.

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Unidata Summer Student Internships Available!

Boulder, Colorado
Spend the summer in beautiful Boulder, Colorado

Do you use Unidata software packages? Do you love to write code or teach others about data-centered Earth System Science? Maybe you're just interested in the interplay of science and data? The Unidata Summer Internship program is looking for you!

The Unidata Summer Internship offers undergraduate and graduate students an opportunity to work with Unidata Program Center staff on projects drawn from a wide variety of areas in the atmospheric and computational sciences. Unidata's mission is to support the Earth System Science research and education community with data and tools for data access, analysis, and visualization. As a Unidata intern, you'll pursue the goal of adding innovative enhancements to data access, analysis, and visualization tools developed within Unidata.

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News and information from the Unidata Program Center
News and information from the Unidata Program Center



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