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[IDD #YQG-428120]: Fw: attack of the null's in LDM feed

Hi Daryl,

Steve's NOAA/Raytheon contact that was informed about the 'null00'
VIIRS products yesterday has reported that the problem should now
be fixed.

Quick 'notifyme' checks for 'null00' products on lead.unidata.ucar.edu
shows that no 'null00' products have been received for some time:

~: notifyme -vl- -p ^null -o 10000000
20190220T163452.815030Z            notifyme[486682]                
notifyme.c:main() NOTE  Starting Up: localhost: 20181027224812.814795 TS_ENDT 
{{ANY, "^null"}}
20190220T163452.815086Z            notifyme[486682]              
ldm5_clnt.c:forn5() NOTE  LDM-5 desired product-class: 20181027224812.814795 
TS_ENDT {{ANY, "^null"}}
20190220T163452.815505Z            notifyme[486682]                
error.c:err_log() INFO  Resolving localhost to took 0.000355 seconds
20190220T163452.817404Z            notifyme[486682]        
ldm5_clnt.c:forn_signon() NOTE  NOTIFYME(localhost): OK

In addition, a separate 'notifyme' shows that legitimate VIIRs products
are being distributed in the NOTHER IDD feed as they have been for some

~: notifyme -vl- -p ^TIP -o 10000000
20190220T163719.316952Z             notifyme[45556]                
notifyme.c:main() NOTE  Starting Up: localhost: 20181027225039.316705 TS_ENDT 
{{ANY, "^TIP"}}
20190220T163719.317008Z             notifyme[45556]              
ldm5_clnt.c:forn5() NOTE  LDM-5 desired product-class: 20181027225039.316705 
20190220T163719.317525Z             notifyme[45556]                
error.c:err_log() INFO  Resolving localhost to took 0.000454 seconds
20190220T163719.319573Z             notifyme[45556]        
ldm5_clnt.c:forn_signon() NOTE  NOTIFYME(localhost): OK
20190220T163720.344948Z             notifyme[45556]      
notifyme.c:notifymeprog_5() INFO     2030673 20190220161251.339713 NOTHER 5399  
TIPC10 KNES 201535
20190220T163720.482504Z             notifyme[45556]      
notifyme.c:notifymeprog_5() INFO     1816062 20190220161431.022982 NOTHER 5400  
TIPQ10 KNES 201532
20190220T163720.487223Z             notifyme[45556]      
notifyme.c:notifymeprog_5() INFO     2014568 20190220161433.806841 NOTHER 5401  
TIPC10 KNES 201536

We are hopeful that this marks an end to the problems we have been
experiencing over the past several days.

Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: YQG-428120
Department: Support NOAAPORT
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata 
inquiry tracking system and then made publicly available through the web.  If 
you do not want to have your interactions made available in this way, you must 
let us know in each email you send to us.