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[IDV #JXU-208249]: web start takes over machine

> Jeff,
> I outlined my problems and "pain points" with ramadda in my earlier message
> with the subject line
> can't get level III radar collection
> That pretty much spelled out what I have run into in my attempts to get a
> copy of the nids radar data for a space / time bounding box where there is
> something interesting going on. I can resend that message if you like, but
> that summarizes what I've run into with ramadda and the idv.
> Let me know if you want me to resend the earlier note.

Maybe I missed a message somewhere. I haven't seen anythin from you with:
"can't get level III radar collection"

Can you resend?

Right now the the IDD feed on motherlode in RAMADDA is not in the database so 
you cannot
do space/time searching for the data. 

As to the webstart problem this is an IDV issue and we have a fix in for it 
that we are testing.


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JXU-208249
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open