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[IDD #PAO-814465]: Request permission for temporary experimental feed of GOES satellite data

Hi Danny,

I apologize for our slow replies to your emails.  As Jeff noted in a previous
email, we have been involved in both moving our offices and in the week-long,
triennial Unidata User's Workshop.

re: we asked why can't UAH supply the data you need?

> John Mecikalski is unable to provide the data because UAH's contract with
> NOAA (for research purposes they can use their data for free), UAH is not
> technically allowed to share raw imagery data.

The data you have suggested you need from the THREDDS server on 
is made available by the U.S. National Weather Service in the NOAAPort Satellite
Broadcast Network (SBN) that was created to supply data to U.S. forecast
offices.  We relay this data in our Internet Data Distribution system (IDD)
in a variety of real-time feeds mainly to universities, not commercial entities.
The data in the NOAAPort SBN has no NOAA redistribution restrictions ** except 
WMO Resolution 40 restrictions which are specified by countries in which those
products originate **.  Since WMO Resolution 40 explicitly allows for 
of products for education, and since participants in the IDD are typically 
we typically do not have to worry about WMO Resolution 40 restrictions.

There are satellite image sectors created from GOES East and West that are 
for/provided to university IDD participants that are also available from 
but they are not have the full resolution/coverage that one would get from
direct satellite ingest from the GOES platforms, so you may not be interested 
in them.

> I hope that the Hebrew University can still get the UNIDATA for our
> objectives, as stated in the previous message.

We would not have _any_ hesitation if your intended use of the data was for
academic purposes at your university.  Your stated use of the data, however, is
for eventual commercialization.  This makes our position difficult since we are
funded by the National Science Foundation to help universities access and use
data, not the private sector.

Our recommendation is that you re-investigate access to the satellite imagery
available in the NOAAPort SBN/Unidata IDD at UAH.  We would be happy to help
the appropriate contact at UAH (John Mecikalski?) get this setup.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: PAO-814465
Department: Support IDD
Priority: High
Status: Closed