Re: [ldm-users] Attention UNIDATA...

Just to add to the fun today, Texas A&M suffered a major campus outage. for the technically inclined, with Cisco network experience, we lost a Sup720 Supervisor card on a Cisco 6509 router that serves a significant portion of our West Campus. This took both bigbird and sasquach off the air.

I just got a courtesy call from the Director of Campus Networks, who tells me they're reconfiguring a replacement Sup card, and they hope to have it up in about 15 more minutes, or about 2200z.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


Dave Anderson KG4YZY wrote:
I know several of you in this list (some 15) already pickup the EXP emwin
dataset from me, but I've just set up the EXP emwin dataset to allow any
host for now too.

EMWIN is picked up off both birds here by a dual receiver system for
redundancy (one points to goes east, one to goes west) at my site, and both
receivers are running at 100% data quality right now, and the Wallops uplink
facility has no transmission issues after I just got off the phone with one
of their engineers, so alerts should flow quickly.
Do remember, though, that EMWIN is only a 9600 baud data set, so it is
limited to a small set of products, which can be viewed here: ...  It's all the most wanted
important data though.

At my site, EMWIN is ingested via Weather Message on Windows, passed via
Samba to a share on the LDM server where a daemon I wrote watches for new
files and pqinserts them within 1 second of them being seen on the GOES
EMWIN system on air.

Data products will arrive in a format similar to this:

Apr 16 20:20:12 pqutil INFO:     7810 20090416202012.457     EXP 999  EMWIN
Apr 16 20:20:21 pqutil INFO:     6807 20090416202021.184     EXP 999  EMWIN
Apr 16 20:20:29 pqutil INFO:     3639 20090416202029.359     EXP 999  EMWIN

You'll need to request EXP from, currently set to allow any.

Contact me if you have any difficulties.

Dave Anderson

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