McIDAS-X Addendum v2009n aka SSEC v2013.1 has been released to make changes to the Unidata McIDAS-X/-XCD 2009 distribution.
This cumulative set of bugfixes and enhancements in Unidata McIDAS-X v2009n includes all SSEC v2013.1 modifications, some small Unidata MCGUI tweaks, and all previous updates to v2009. Unidata McIDAS-X is available to registered users in a gzip-compressed tar file.
For more information on the changes included in v2009n, please see the v2009n addendum information. To download the v2009n distribution, please visit the McIDAS-X download page after logging into the Unidata website.
Note: Unidata McIDAS is freely available to U.S. university users. Access by non-U.S. educational users and members in good standing of the UW/SSEC McIDAS User's Group (MUG) is granted on a case-by-case basis; please send email to for details. Commercial and governmental users wishing to use McIDAS should contact the MUG directly by sending email to
hola sy de peru quiero usar el programa para hacer mis anaisis de meteorologia, soy estudiante de agronomia
Posted by julio cesar on November 15, 2013 at 02:09 PM MST #
To gain access to Unidata McIDAS-X, please do the following:
- register with the Unidata website
- send an email to requesting access to Unidata McIDAS-X
We will need to ask you about your status in an educational institution and have make sure that your use of McIDAS-X will be in furtherance of a degree at a university.
Please be aware that we conduct all of our support in English.
Posted by Unidata McIDAS Support on November 18, 2013 at 04:27 PM MST #
Soy estudiante de meteorologia avanzada y estoy por dictar una materia de meteorologia. Quisiera probar este programa para la visualizacion de modelos numericos, datos observacionales, imagenes satelitales para poder aplicarlo en un futuro en la enseƱanza de meteorologia sinoptica.
Muchas gracias! Saludos cordiales
Posted by Soledad on October 24, 2016 at 12:28 PM MDT #