The 2022 AGU Fall Meeting will be held 12-16 December 2022 in Chicago, IL. This year the Education section will include a session that may be of special interest to Unidata community members: “ED013. Education and Workforce Development for Convergence and Data Sciences in the Era of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.”
From the session description:
We are witnessing unprecedented advances and increased applications of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data sciences in all areas of science and society and are facing a critical need for professionals with expertise in data and information technologies, along with domain knowledge. Academia has begun producing and modifying curriculum to include enhanced training in AI/ML and data science so that students graduate with the requisite skills, literacies, and competencies. This session welcomes contributions from thought leaders and practitioners in multiple earth sciences disciplines and information science to discuss challenges, opportunities and best practices for educators, learners, and researchers to create a workforce for advancing convergence science. The proposed session will be of interest to several AGU sections, including but not limited to Atmospheric Sciences, Hydrology, Education, and Earth and Space Science Informatics.
The converners encourage you to consider contributing to this community discussion by submitting a short abstract for the session. Abstracts can be submitted on the session web page. The deadline to send an abstract is 3 August 2022, 11:59 P.M. EDT. More information about abstract submissions is available in the Abstract Submission Overview.