Welcome back to AWIPS Tips! Today we’ll be providing you with an update about the GOES gridded GLM products. In case you didn’t see the message go out to the awips2-users@unidata.ucar.edu about the IDD feed type change for the gridded GLM products, here is a summary.
The GOES gridded GLM products that have been distributed by Unidata over the past few years were created at Texas Tech University with assistance from a Unidata Equipment Award. This grant is due to expire on July 21st, and we have new NOAA Virtual Lab GLM Products being distributed that are the replacement.
The replacement Vlab products include GOES East and West Full Disk.
1-minute data accumulations (level 2):
- Flash_extent_density
- Total_Optical_energy
- Minimum_flash_area
- Flash Point (lat, lon, area, energy, time, duration) - parallax corrected
5-minute data averages (updated every minute) (level 3):
- Flash_extent_density_w5u1
- Total_Optical_energy_w5u1
- Minimum_flash_area_w5u1
As of Thursday, June 23, 2022, both the Texas Tech and new Vlab products are available via Unidata’s IDD. What does this mean for you as an AWIPS user?
EDEX Users
If you have the latest AWIPS build (18.2.1-5), no changes need to be made. Both the Texas Tech and Vlab products have been previously configured in both LDM and AWIPS to store and ingest.
CAVE Users
If you are connecting to an EDEX (including Unidata’s edex-cloud.unidata.ucar.edu) running the latest version of AWIPS then you should be able to see the new Vlab products in the satellite menus.
Satellite > GOES-East Full Disk > GLM Products

The Texas Tech products are still available in the Product Browser until the data feed is turned off at the end of July (Note the "_TT" in the product name).

For any further questions on this update, please don’t hesitate to reach out to support-awips@unidata.ucar.edu. And check back in two weeks for the next blog post, where we will discuss GOES-18 data ingest for EDEX users.
To view archived blogs, visit the AWIPS Tips blog tag, and get notified of the latest updates from the AWIPS team by signing up for the AWIPS mailing list. Questions or suggestions for the team on future topics? Let us know at support-awips@unidata.ucar.edu
This blog was posted in reference to v18.2.1-5 of NSF Unidata AWIPS