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20000204: more on testing mcidas

>From: David Fitzgerald <address@hidden>
>Organization: Millersville University of Pennsylvania
>Keywords: 200001262144.OAA16099 McIDAS-X 7.6


>Ok thanks for the update.  Interesting.  The /software mount is where the
>mcidas home directory is located.  It is nfs mounted from snowball to
>twister with read and write mount options sO i don't knwo why mcidas would
>have trouble writing to its own home directory.

I have just proven that the problem _is_ in how the file system is
mounted.  I can login as the user running your LDM; set needed McIDAS
environment variables; set PATH to be able to find McIDAS executables;
and run McIDAS-X 7.6 commands with no problem.  This proves that the
new McIDAS build is OK.  The home directory for this user is on a disk
that is local to twister; it has no problems setting the permissions on
the mccheck.lock file in the .mctmp/nnnn/ directory.

I went ahead as the user running the LDM and setup:

o REDIRECTions for the 'mcidas' account (contained in

o setup XCD so that it can begin decoding McIDAS data files:

  cd $MCDATA
  te.k XCDDATA \"/var/data/xcd
  batch.k XCD.BAT
  batch.k XCDDEC.BAT

o updated the copy of SCHEMA in /var/data/xcd (removed the old copy)
  and made a hard link from it to /var/data/mcidas (for ldm-mcidas decoders
  you may run)

o reinstalled the McIDAS-X 7.6 binaries

The things I didn't do were:

o mess with the routing table entries which have compositing imagery turned
  off (East-West composites and image-topography composites)

o stop and restart the LDM; this would be necessary to active the XCD
  decoding;  Scouring should be setup before doing this.

The problem on your system is an interesting one.  Since Mike S. was
not in today, he couldn't advise me on how he would mount the /software
file system to avoid the problems you are facing.  We can revisit this
on Monday if you like.
