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[IDV #HTP-148933]: Loading .nc files into IDV and aggregating grids by time

> Dear Yuan, Sounds promising - thank you for taking a close look! Talk soon, 
> Alexa
> ________________________________
> From: Unidata IDV Support <address@hidden>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2022 3:19 PM
> To: Van Eaton, Alexa R <address@hidden>
> Cc: address@hidden <address@hidden>
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [IDV #HTP-148933]: Loading .nc files into IDV and 
> aggregating grids by time
> This email has been received from outside of DOI - Use caution before 
> clicking on links, opening attachments, or responding.

So the solution is to use ncml to modify the original files and another ncml to 
aggregate them together to 
form a time coordinate.

first step:  add <attribute name="coordinates" value="latitude longitude" /> to 
one of the variable with (y,x)

second step: see the attached ncml, I use the mean_feature_time as the time 
coordinate variable, you can change it to another time variable.
and only aggregate brightness_temperature_XXmicron variables and you expand to 
others too.

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HTP-148933
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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Attachment: VOLCAT_GOES-17_Full_Disk_s2022015_042030_g001_v243040_VCB_w664_FULL_DISK_b2022015_041029_g001.ncml
Description: Binary data

Attachment: VOLCAT.ncml
Description: Binary data