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[IDV #XNA-384239]: IDV - Data from MM5 netCDF to IDV supported netCDF

Hi Mark-

> Currently we are looking into using IDV to visualize weather data from MM5, 
> LAPS and hopefully RAMS. We hope to visually compare the forecasted results 
> to the actual weather data.

Okay, thanks for the info.

> Thanks for all of the help; the NCML file helped me view the MM5 surface 
> data. When I use the NCML file in this way will it change the data or does it 
> just provide the needed parameters to IDV? Also, can I use another NCML file 
> to allow me to view the data in the MM5 .fua file(the .fua is the actual data 
> for a region; the where as the .fsf is only the surface data)?

It's just a wrapper so it makes the changes that are defined in the NCML file.
You can use it to overwrite data, but here we are just adding/correcting

You could create another NCML file for fua file.  If it's the same
structure, you could just copy the one I sent and change the filename.
At this point, there's no way in the IDV to associate an NCML template
to a group of files - the NCML file has to reference the file it

If you need help generating an NCML file for the fua file, send me a sample

Don Murray

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: XNA-384239
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open