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[LDM #MKM-645428]: St. Cloud State University LDM Startup

> Good afternoon,

Good afternoon, 
> My name is Bailey Swick; I am working with the Atmospheric and Hydrologic 
> Sciences
> Department at St. Cloud State University. We are in the process of getting a 
> working LDM
> here again, and I'm leading the project. We haven't run an LDM or IDD since 
> the mid
> 2000s, so we're basically starting from scratch.

Great, welcome back!

> I have read through the tutorials on the set up process for the LDM. I am 
> wondering if
> any of those steps will be different due to the fact that there was once an 
> LDM and IDD
> setup here before.

Could be, if you plan to install on same machine that previously ran the LDM 
(and the LDM install is still there). Since it has been quite some time, and 
there have been new LDM releases since you last ran the application, it is 
likely best to do a fresh install. If you have your old ldmd.conf and 
pqact.conf files (used for requesting (ldmd) and acting on the data (pqact) 
they may be helpful to get you going again. We are also happy to help out.

Do you know what data types you are planning on ingesting?


Once we know what feeds you plan on ingesting we can help in determining 
upstream feed sites for you, and can also
offer advice on queue size and other tunings for your LDM install if needed.

> According to the IDD list, our upstream hosts were UW-Madison and 
> Nebraska-Lincoln.

Great, we may revisit these sites, or find others depending upon your current 
data needs.

> Our point of contact was Alan Anderson, but he retired many years ago. The 
> new point of
> contact should be Dr. Alan Srock (cc'ed in this email).

Thanks, I'll update our list, do you have a ph number for Dr Srock?

> Please let us know how we should get started and if there are others we will 
> need to
> contact along the way.

Unless you want lightning data, we can handle the comms here. Please let us 
know your data needs and we can
move forward..also the IP and machine name of the LDM host machine will be 
needed for us to get the ALLOWS in place for you.

So, boiled down, we need this:

1) Feeds desired
2) IP and hostname of LDM machine
3) ph number for Dr Srock for our contact list

> Thanks,
> ~~~~~~~~~~
> Bailey Swick
> ~~~~~~~~~~

Thank you, 

Jeff Weber
Unidata User Support

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: MKM-645428
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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