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[LDM #OAO-858724]: No GOES VIS imagery

Hi Chris,

> Well it appears I had an "LDM administrator" problem (me) rather than and
> LDM problem


> - but it has been a very informative exercise.  I did what you
> suggested with "notifyme" and looking at the live log and everything was
> completely normal - EXCEPT I noticed that the image file was being written
> to a different location on disk than what I was expecting.  So I went to
> that directory and low and behold there were all of the VIS images, going
> back to early 2013 (!).  Apparently sometime during our server change and
> LDM upgrades my pqact.conf file for the sat images (as well as a couple of
> other products) reverted back to an old directory structure.  I made the
> changes and now the images are coming in where I expect them too.

I love happy endings!! :-)

> By the way, what pqact pattern do I use to get the 1 km VIS images?  I'm
> not proficient at the pqact language.

The only differences in the LDM/IDD Product IDs for the 4km VIS and 1km
VIS are:

- product codes:

  UV - GOES East 0.63 um VIS 4km
  EV - GOES East 0.63 um VIS 1km

- resolution

Given this, you should be able to use the same action as you are
using for the 4km GOES-East VIS by adding an 'E' in the appropriate
part of the extended regular expression you are using.  For instance:

If this is your current action:

# Vis (0.65 um) - Relaxed to account for channel change 3/2014 cch
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. (U[^ACXY13]) (.*) (.*)_IMG (0.6[235])um (.*) (........) 
      PIPE -close  pnga2area -vl logs/ldm-mcidas.log
      -a etc/SATANNOT
      -b etc/SATBAND

then the addition that is needed is:

# Vis (0.65 um) - Relaxed to account for channel change 3/2014 cch
UNIWISC ^pnga2area Q. ([EU][^ACXY13]) (.*) (.*)_IMG (0.6[235])um (.*) 
(........) (....)
      PIPE -close  pnga2area -vl logs/ldm-mcidas.log
      -a etc/SATANNOT
      -b etc/SATBAND

This should end up creating a 1km node in the directory hierarchy
being specified:



NB: Remember that 'notifyme' is your best friend since it allows
you to test patterns used in data REQUEST(s) and pattern-action
file actions!!

> Thanks for your help.

No worries.  I'm glad to hear that data you are receiving is now
being processed so that you can use it.


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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: OAO-858724
Department: Support IDD
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed