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20030418: request for FSU to upgrade to LDM-6

>From: Unidata User Support <address@hidden>
>Organization: UCAR/Unidata
>Keywords: 200302272203.h1RM3Ut25295 LDM-6

Hi Guys,

We want to encourage you as strongly as possible to upgrade to the
latest release of LDM-6.  Experience has shown us that sites that
have upgraded to LDM-6 benefit in several ways:

- incresed data throughput from your upstream hosts to you
- incresed data throughput from you to the downstream hosts that are
  feeding from you
- decrease in system resources needed to move the same volume
  of data being moved by LDM-5
- ease of splitting feed requests.  You will recall that we went
  through a process of creating aliases for machines you were to
  feed from in order to split feedes to brisa.
- better use of network resources for moving data
- lots of LDM-5 bugs have been found and fixed

Also, by running the real time statistics reporting utility, rtstats,
in LDM-6, you will help us to keep better track of the health of the

We are more than willing to do the upgrade to LDM-6 on your
machine(s).  If you are interested us doing the upgrade (and in tuning
your ldmd.conf file entries), all we will need is a login as the user
running your LDM (typically 'ldm').  'root' on your system will need to
do the final installation step unless you are willing to give us super
user privilege.  Please let us know if you would like our assistance.

The following are notes about LDM-6 that I sent along to sites a while

LDM 6 offers a number of new ideas that we are excited about.  Here's
an overview:

o request lines to the same host in ldmd.conf are no longer accumulated
  into a single rpc.ldmd invocation.  This allows a user to split feeds
  without having to create machine name aliases in /etc/hosts.

o the size of the HEREIS - COMINGSOON "fence" is now user configurable.
  In LDM-5, all products smaller than 16384 bytes would be sent using
  the HEREIS protocol.  In LDM-6, this "fence" is settable on a
  per-request line basis.  The default for the "fence" size is now
  essentially infinity (actually, it is size of a uint).  You specify
  the "fence" size as the 4th parameter on an ldmd.conf request line.
  LDM-6 understands a couple of mnemonics for minimim and maximum
  "fence" sizes:

request IDS|DDPLUS ".*" my.upstream.site PRIMARY    (or PRI)
request IDS|DDPLUS ".*" my.upstream.site ALTERNATE  (or ALT)

or equivalently:

request IDS|DDPLUS ".*" my.upstream.site MAXIMIM    (or MAX)
request IDS|DDPLUS ".*" my.upstream.site MINIMUM    (or MIN)

  We think that the PRI (uint_max) and ALT (zero) values are basically
  all that a site will ever need/use, but the values are configurable

o products sent with the COMINGSOON/BLKDATA protocol are sent in one
  chunk after a transaction is made between the client and server in
  which the client says that it wants the product.  In LDM-5, the same
  client/server transaction was made and then the product was sent in
  16384 BLKDATA chunks.

o LDM-6 is backward/forward compatible with LDM-5.  LDM-5 clients
  can receive data from LDM-6 servers, and LDM-6 clients can receive
  data from LDM-5 servers.  When LDM-5 talks to LDM-6, it does so using
  LDM-5 protocols.  LDM-6 running LDM-5 protocols is more efficient
  than LDM-5.

o LDM-6 can use the same product queue that LDM-5 uses.  This allows
  a site to install the new version and start running without remaking
  the product queue.

o LDM-6 is much more capable of delivering data to electronically
  remote sites.  One site we have been using for testing is located on
  the edge of the Amazon in Belem, Brazil.

o LDM-6's ldmadmin now does several things for you that you had
  to do by hand in LDM-5:

  o put you in the ~ldm directory at LDM startup
  o create the ~ldm/logs/ldmd.log file if it does not already exist
  o determine your machine's hostname using a 'uname -n'.  If
    this does not result in a fully qualified hostname, ldmadmin
    will complain and not start the LDM.  In this case, you
    need to edit ldmadmin and set the hostname:


chop($hostname = `uname -n`);
# $hostname = "your.hostname.here";


# chop($hostname = `uname -n`);
$hostname = "yourown.hostname.edu";

o LDM-6's ldmadmin now waits until the rpc.ldmd processes have all
  exited before returning you to the Unix command prompt

o LDM-6 now understands CONDUIT and CRAFT as the NMC2 and NEXRD2

o Some early tests using synthesized data showed that LDM-6 was capable
  of moving 8.4 times more data than LDM-5.  The increase in "efficiency"
  using real data has, however, not yet been quantified, but qualitatively
  we can assure that the increase in "efficiency" is real.  For reference,
  the early tests that showed the 8.4 times increase was conducted between
  a machine here at the UPC, and a Linux PC running at the Universidade
  Federal do Para in Belem, Brazil using synthetic products that were
  each 200KB in size.  Also, during the test, the client LDM did not
  write into a product queue.

N.B. (nota bene/yo):

During stress testing of the LDM-6, we learned that there is a class of
"pathological" regular expressions that adversly affect the performance
of LDM servers.  Steve sent a note to ldm-users explaining how to
identify pathological cases, and what to do to correct these.
Unfortunately, it is the client requesting data that has control over
these regular expressions, so if you find these in your ldmd.log files,
you will need to contact the downstream host's administrator and ask
him/her to correct the pattern.  Steve has included a new function in
LDM-6, regex, that can be used to test regular expressions for
pathologicalness ;-).  Check the regex man page for more information
after you install LDM-6.

To upgrade to LDM-6, then you should do the following:

1) make backup copies of your ~ldm/etc/ldmd.conf file(s).  While
   you are at it, you could make a backup copy of your ~ldm/etc/pqact.conf
   file, but this is optional since it will not be affected by moving
   to LDM-6.

2) FTP LDM-6 release candidate 6:

<login as 'ldm'>
cd ~ldm
ftp ftp.unidata.ucar.edu
  <user> anonymous
  <pass> your_full_email_address
  cd pub/ldm
  get ldm-6.0.10.tar.Z
zcat ldm-6.0.10.tar.Z | tar xvf -

3) build LDM-6. Note that LDM-6 is built with '-O' optimization
   turned on.  If you want to build otherwise, you will want to set
   the Unix environment variable CFLAGS _before_ you run configure.

   Also, you should define the Unix environment variable LDMHOME
   _before_ you run configure:

setenv CFLAGS -O
setenv LDMHOME your_ldm_home_directory

cd ~ldm/ldm-6.0.10/src
make && make install

4) finish the LDM install as 'root':

sudo make install_setuids

5) adjust entries in ldmadmin to match those from your existing
   ldmadmin.  This should boil down to you changing the product queue
   size; the number of log files that you want to keep online (we keep
   14 on our IDD machines); uncommenting out the entry for udunits if
   you are running things like gribtonc; filling in your full hostname
   if a 'uname -n' does not return a fully qualified hostname; etc.

   Also, add an entry in ldmd.conf that runs the real time statistics
   reporting utility, rtstats:

exec    "rtstats -h rtstats.unidata.ucar.edu"

   This entry should be the last 'exec' entry in your ldmd.conf file.

6) shutdown your current LDM waiting for all LDM processes to exit.
   This step is easier in LDM-6 since ldmadmin won't return you to
   the Unix/Linux prompt before processes have exited.

7) change the runtime link to point at ldm-6.0.10

cd ~ldm
rm runtime && ln -s ldm-6.0.10 runtime

8) verify that your operating system has finished flushing the LDM
   queue from memory to disk.  I found that this was an important
   step in getting things to work smoothly on thelma.  I did
   the verification by watching the iostat listing of top.  As soon
   as it quites down, you are ready to go.  Our experience is that
   the larger the queue, the longer this step takes.  We even added
   a 'sync' call from ldmadmin to tell the OS to sync to disk before
   shutting down LDM processes.

9) start LDM-6:

rehash                <- C shell only
ldmadmin start

I think I have covered all bases in this note, but you never know.  The
good news is that you guys already know all of the upgrade procedure,
so most of the above was unneeded.

Again, if you would help doing the upgrade, just let us know.

Tom Yoksas