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NEXRAD Level II Maintenance Notification - Saturday December 16th, 2017 (TOC)

National Weather Service Headquarters will be performing a planned maintenance activity that has the potential to impact the Level II system.  The activity is a planned facility network switch replacement on the 6th floor in SSMC2 (TOC).
 Start Time: 9:00 AM (Central time) Saturday December 16th, 2017
 Duration: 8 hours
 Event: NWS HQ Hardware maintenance.
  The activity is anticipated to take about up to 8 hours to complete and could potentially effect data flow of the "Silver Spring Level II Path" any time within that window.  (TDS Path ONLY)

The ROC Level II connection in Norman is NOT part of this activity.

  Both NL2 server locations are integrated.  This activity could generate a minor (5 minutes) service interruption if the aggregate function is "auto transferred" to Norman (ROC) due to and enterprise issue. 


 The data path via the ROC servers is not part of the load activity.
 All system upgrades are subject to NCEP Critical Weather Day notification.
 If there is any emergency noted during this event, I can be reached via the ROC NEXRAD Hotline or at (405) 820-3646

*Donald J. Horvat               *  ____                              *
*                               * /    \     _____     _______  _____*
*Sr. Systems Engineer           *(      )   / ___  )  / ___  / / ___/*
* Support Contractor            * \____/   / /__/ /  / /  / / / /    *
*WSR-88D Radar Operations Center*  |\/|   / ___  <  / /  / / / /     *
*                               *  |/\|  / /   / / / /__/ / / /___   *
*1313 Halley Circle             *  |\/| /_/   /_/ /______/ /_____/   *
*Norman, OK 73069               *  |/\|                              *
*                               *   WSR-88D RADAR OPERATIONS CENTER  *
*Phone: (405) 573-3418          * e-mail: address@hidden   *
*FAX:   (405) 573-3340          *                                    *
fn:Donald J Horvat
org:Radar Operations Center;Systems Engineering Group
adr:;;1313 Halley Circle;Norman;OK;73069;USA
title:Senior Systems Engineer