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Fwd: [IDP-Announcement] Upcoming test of IDP failover/backup next week (Apologies for duplicate deliveries - Please forward as appropriate)


Please see announce from IDP regarding major failover and backup test of the IDP system next week. Address any questions to ncep.list.idp_support@noaa.gov.

-- Thanks, Leon

IDP Customers,

Next week NCEP Central Operations will be conducting a major site failover test.   Below is the notification sent to the idp-announcement list.

If you experience data outages next week please contact NCO's Senior Duty Meteorologist SDM as directed in the notification.
If you have further questions or concerns you can also contact the IDP team (ncep.list.idp_support@noaa.gov).

Additionally, those applications that are currently in College Park (including MADIS/HADS) are slated to be moved to Boulder tomorrow (1/19) to prepare for this test.

In order to ensure you get future notifications, it is suggested to subscribe to the idp-announcement listserve: https://www.lstsrv.ncep.noaa.gov/mailman/listinfo/idp-announcement

Thank you,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rebecca Cosgrove - NOAA Federal <rebecca.cosgrove@noaa.gov>
Date: Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 9:05 AM
Subject: [IDP-Announcement] Upcoming test of IDP failover/backup next week
To: idp-announcement@lstsrv.ncep.noaa.gov

The week of January 22nd, NCEP Central Operations (NCO) will conduct a major failover and backup test of our IDP systems in College Park and Boulder.   On Monday January 22nd at 10am Eastern, NCO will announce an outage of the Boulder IDP system and will fail all operations over to the College Park IDP system.   On Wednesday January 24th at 10am Eastern, NCO will announce an outage of the College Park IDP systems and will fail all operations and applications over to the Boulder IDP system. 

NCO will not turn off any applications or systems during this week of testing.  A small number of systems don't have backups at both sites yet -- in those cases those applications will not be shut down during this testing.  The only anticipated impact to users would be the normal brief outages experienced during any site-to-site failovers of IDP.   If you do experience any issues during this week of testing, please contact NCO's Senior Duty Meteorologist (SDM) at sdm@noaa.gov  or 301-683-1500 and we will have our support teams look into the issue immediately.

Note for the NCEP Centers in NCWCP -- this test will not affect your compute farm systems.

Becky Cosgrove
Chief, NCO Implementation and Data Services Branch

Idp-announcement mailing list

Derek Van Pelt
IDP Onboarding

Leon Benjamin
MADIS Tier 3 support
MADIS help email: madis-support@noaa.gov