Re: [thredds] tdm and passwords

> On Nov 23, 2017, at 3:39 PM, Sean Arms <sarms@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> In order for the TDM to talk to the TDS (that is, tell the TDS that new files 
> are available to serve and that the client catalogs need to be refreshed), a 
> Tomcat user needs to be configured such that it has the role tdsTrigger 
> intomcat-users.xml. In the docs, we call that tomcat user tdm, but it can be 
> whatever you like (I think), and again, is not tied to the system user 
> running the tdm process.  The user and password configured in 
> tomcat-users.xml is the user and password given to the TDM via the cred flag, 
> which is passed to the tdm jar.
 So I leave out the cred flag in the script to launch the TDM,  it will ask me 
for a password,  and the password I give it is the one in the tomcat-users.xml? 
 Is that correct?  And therefore the TDM user can be a user with no home 
directory and no login password,  Am I understanding this?

Sorry to be dense,  but I would rather make certain I understand it.



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