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In this blog we are going to show you how to create a new projection and add it to the drop down scales menu in CAVE. For this scenario, we are assuming you have access to both CAVE and EDEX servers (ex. running your own EDEX).

First, unload all products from CAVE, then pan and zoom to the area you want to create a new scale for.
For this scenario, I’m going to create a new OK/TX region. I’ve zoomed into the area I want my new scale to be:

Now we need to save the scale. Open File > New Projection. You can click the “Import Extent From Display” to load what is currently displayed. Additionally, you can manually adjust the projection, extent, and parameters. Rename the scale to what you want to call it. Once you are happy with this click OK.

Now open File > Save Display Locally. Save it on your filesystem. I saved the file as OK_TX_Region.xml.
Assuming you are running EDEX on a separate machine, copy this file to the following location on your EDEX server: /awips2/edex/data/utility/cave_static/site/XXX/bundles/scales, where XXX is the localization you are running CAVE as.
NOTE: If you are running multiple EDEX servers together, these changes will go on the EDEX where you are running the “request” service.
We’ve copied the file to the EDEX server, however, this file isn’t quite in the correct format that the scales are looking for so we will have to remove a few lines. Remove line 2 and 3 (the procedure and bundles tag).

Then at the bottom of the file, remove the loop properties section, “bundles” tag, layout section, and “procedure” tag.
NOTE: Be sure to leave in the bundle tag (line 179 in this example).

Now to add the new scale to the drop down menu you will have to add it to the scalesInfo.xml configuration file (on EDEX). Create a new file in the same directory:
vi /awips2/edex/data/utility/cave_static/site/XXX/bundles/scales/scalesInfo.xml
Copy the contents from this scalesInfo.xml into your new one.
Add the following two lines:
<mapScale displayName="OK TX Region" fileName="OK_TX_Region.xml">
You can specify what you want the displayName to be, this is what shows up in the drop down menu. Use the filename you just saved.
Save the file, close your CAVE session if open, remove caveData, and then re-open CAVE and you should see your new map listed in the Scales dropdown!
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This blog was posted in reference to v18.2.1-6 of NSF Unidata AWIPS