NSF Unidata is happy to announce the Community Equipment Award recipients for 2024. Created under the sponsorship of the U.S. National Science Foundation, NSF Unidata equipment awards are intended to encourage new members from diverse disciplinary backgrounds in the geosciences to join the NSF Unidata community, and to encourage existing members to continue their active participation, enhancing the community process.
Note: As a result of delays in the official NSF approval of NSF Unidata's core funding award, and in the subsequent processing of the Community Equipment Award contracts, announcement of the 2024 awardees has been postponed until now. Awards have traditionally been available to grantees in the late spring to early summer time frame. Under most circumstances, award recipients are asked to complete their projects and provide a brief report to NSF Unidata within one year of funding. We understand, however, that delays in project implementation can arise for a wide variety of reasons, and are happy to work with awardee programs on their implementation schedules should the need arise.
Two institutions received funding this year:
Northern Illinois University:
Building Capacity and Reducing Barriers for Geoscience Students at Northern Illinois University -
University of Wisconsin – Madison:
Upgrading the community THREDDS data server and LDM/IDD relay infrastructure at UW-Madison AOS
For additional details on the proposals funded this year, see the 2024 Equipment Awards page.
Historically, NSF Unidata has funded a high percentage of the projects submitted for consideration. Proposals are short, and NSF Unidata Program Center staff are available to assist proposers throughout the process, from advising on proposal preparation and hardware specification to assisting with installation and configuration of NSF Unidata software technologies.
We invite you to provide suggestions for the focus of future Equipment Award RFPs, and to keep your eyes open for the 2025 announcement. To get an idea of the wide range of recipient institutions and projects, including copies of successful proposals, visit the Equipment Awards page.