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19990316: building, testing, and installing McIDAS AND LOVING IT ,

Dear Support:

Tom helped with an old test file which follows:

------------------------- file -------------------
      subroutine main0
      include 'fileparm.inc'
      character*18      selects(5)
      character*8       dataset
      character*72      line
      real              lat,lon,latres,lonres,clatres,clonres
      integer*4         nselect, comment_cards(256)
      integer*4         directory(0:64)
      integer*4         error_flag,status,ncards
      integer           mcadir,mcadrd,mcpnav

c --- Set selection criteria
      selects(1) = 'SS 10 99'   
      selects(2) = 'DAY 1999001 1999356'
      selects(3) = 'TIME 000000 235959' 
      selects(4) = 'SUBSET ALL' 
      selects(5) = 'AUX YES'
      nselect = 5
      dataset = 'AREAS/IR'
      error_flag = 1

      call sdest('Checking McIDAS Satellite header...',0)

c --- Open connection for the dataset
      status = mcadir(dataset, nselect, selects, error_flag) 
      if (status .lt. 0) then
         call edest('Problem resolving dataset '//dataset,0)
         call mccodeset(1)
c.... Read an Image Directory Block

      status = mcadrd(directory,comment_cards)
      if (status .lt. 0) then 
         call edest('Problem reading image director for '//dataset,0)
         call mccodeset(1)

c.... Determine the number of comment cards

      ncards = directory(64)
      status = mcpnav(comment_cards,ncards,lat,lon,latres,lonres,
     &                clatres,clonres)
      if (status .lt. 0) then
         call edest('Problem reading navigation block for '//dataset,0)
         call mccodeset(1)

      print *,lat,lon,latres,lonres

      write (line,'(f7.2,1x,f7.2,1x,f7.2,1x,f7.2)')lat,lon,latres,lonres
      call sdest(line,0)

      call mccodeset(0)
------------------------------- end of file ------------------------

When I run this program I get the following message
Checking McIDAS Satellite header...                    
CONTENTS: No images satisfy the selection criteria       
CONTENTS: Problem resolving dataset AREAS/IR  

However, I think the file is known to the data server. For example:


IMGLIST AREAS/IR                                                                
Image file directory listing for:AREAS/IR                                       
 Pos Satellite/         Date       Time      Center   Band(s)                   
     sensor                                 Lat  Lon                            
 --- -------------  ------------  --------  ---- ---- ------------              
   1  G-10 IMG      17 MAR 99076  05:00:15     0  130 4                         
IMGLIST: done       

Plus, I can display it as:

IMGDISP AREAS/IR.1 SF=YES STATION=HNL                                           
Beginning Image Data transfer, bytes= 310096                                    
IMGDISP: loaded frame  1                                                        
IMGDISP: done    

1) Can you tell me why my program doesn't see the file?

2) I cannot tell if my program is FY2K complaint. I have looked
at the source code and still cannot tell. Specifically,
how would the line:

'DAY 99000 99356' be handled,

I assumed,

'DAY 1999000 1999356'

>From address@hidden  Fri Mar 19 17:08:45 1999
In one of your sample programs you have the routine "getval". I can't
find getval in the src directory or in any libraries.

Is "getval" a Mcidas program, and if so, where is it located?

Thankyou, Sincerely,
Craig Motell

Craig Motell
University of Hawaii
2525 Correa Road
Honolulu, HI 96822

>From address@hidden  Mon Mar 22 00:53:20 1999

Dear Support:

I asked you a question about why my program below could not
find a file. Please don't wast your time answering it. I haven't
confirmed it but I assume that it is something do to with file
REDIRECTION!  Sorry about the question!.

Aloha, Craig

Craig Motell
University of Hawaii
2525 Correa Road
Honolulu, HI 96822