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[IDV #RPK-773680]: IDV - ADDE archived MOD07: DAY= must be used with archived datasets

Hi Valentijn-

> Institution: ITC
> Package Version: 2.1RC3
> Operating System: Windows 2003
> Hardware Information: Java: home: C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.6.0 version: 
> 1.6.0-rc j3d:1.3.2 fcs (build12)
> Inquiry: Hi Don,
> There is a OpenADDE pointer for TERRA MOD07 products serving:
> OpenADDE is installed at: http://ladsweb.nascom.nasa.gov/
> That site has the global, archive of atmosphere products. When accessing this 
> dataset an error has occurred:
> Error connecting to: LADSWEB.NASCOM.NASA.GOV
> Error opening AreaFile: edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.adde.AddeURLException: DAY= must 
> be used with archived datasets
> Is there anyway I could build this into Data Chooser>ADDE images or Data 
> Chooser>Images.

Other than subclassing ucar.unidata.ui.imagery.AddeImageChooser and 
adding the necessary code to allow a selection, there is no quick fix.
I would suspect there is no way to query the server to find out a list
of days either, so all I could think of is a text box that would allow
you to specify a day and then you'd pass that along on the request.
There are many hooks in the AddeImageChooser class to add on extra
ADDE parameters.

> As it is global data i would like to add spatial limitations by specifying a 
> region of interest.

Again, you could create your own chooser with a map selector.  Currently
the only way to do that with the existing chooser is to specify the
center point and use the lines/elem and magnifications to get the region
you want.  That's the McIDAS way. ;-)

> ******************
> Stack trace:
> edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.AreaFileException: Error opening AreaFile: 
> edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.adde.AddeURLException: DAY= must be used with archived 
> datasets
> at edu.wisc.ssec.mcidas.AreaDirectoryList.<init>(AreaDirectoryList.java:131)
> at 
> ucar.unidata.ui.imagery.AddeImageChooser.loadImages(AddeImageChooser.java:1404)
> at 
> ucar.unidata.ui.imagery.AddeImageChooser.readTimesInner(AddeImageChooser.java:1374)
> at ucar.unidata.ui.imagery.AddeImageChooser$11.run(AddeImageChooser.java:1342)
> at ucar.unidata.util.Misc$2.run(Misc.java:931)


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: RPK-773680
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open