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20060110: NEXRAD locations

>From: "Salottolo Greg" <address@hidden>
>Organization: NTSB
>Keywords: 200601101434.k0AEYh7s024025 IDV nexrad locations

Hi Greg-

>Thanks Don. Just curious --- If I query the SSEC McIDAS for the nexrad lat/lon
>  (stnlist klwx for instance) I get lat/lon in degrees and minutes only. Howev
> er, the xml file you sent does have the correct deg:mim:secs. Which file did 
> you get the nexrad lat/lon from? UNIDATA McIDAS or somewhere else?

This seems to be a problem with the McIDAS station list and I'll
report it to SSEC.  To get the list I used, I ran


which lists out the nexrad stations with the 3 letter id's.  If
I look at a particular station like LWX vs. KLWX, I see:

stnlist.k LWX KLWX
IDN   ID     Station Name         Data Types        ST CO LAT        LON        
----- -----  -------------------- ----------------- -- -- ---------- ---------- 
 ---  KLWX   Baltimore / DC Nexra M                 MD US   38:59:00   77:29:00 
 ---  LWX    BALTIMORE                    N         MD US   38:58:31   77:28:40 
 ---  LWX    BALTIMORE                     W        VA US   38:58:32   77:28:38 
Number of stations listed: 3

Looks like for the KLWX, they rounded off to DD:MM.  Note that the for the
Weather Service Office (W), they have it in VA as well.

Anyway, thanks for pointing this out and I'll let SSEC know.

Don Murray
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