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20050421: IDV - Custom GUI

Hi Sean,

I have overwritten the doMakeDefaultContents() and essentially return a JPanel that switches between a JTappedPane and a JSplitPane of two MapViewManagers

The two MapViewManagers are added and removed from the JTabbedPane and a JSplitPane.

I get the following error, which crashes the system and believe it is due to the fact that I am adding and removing view managers to JComponents and it doesn't appear that they like that.

When you say "crashes the system" do you mean the JVM crashes or you just get the stack trace
you included in your message?

It looks like the MapViewManager still thinks it has a parent JComponent and it is trying to draw itself then dies.

I tried the MultiPanelIdv, but it does't seem to be running any differently than a regular Idv, could be old code not sure. None the less I tried some of the ideas you had in there e.g. synchronizing the areas of code where I remove/add the MapViewManagers from the JTabbedPane and JSplitPane and did not help.

My sutff works fine as long as I never orphan or switch parents of the MapViewManager. In other words, once I add it to a JComponent, everything up the tree must stay intact or it crashes.

Is there special handling of view managers I need to do so this doesn't happen.

I am trying to do something the IDV code was never designed to do? The MultiPanelIdv was the only code I could look at. All other code creates a new window with essentiall new MapViewManagers, which is somewhat different. I am trying to do all operations with the same window.

I don't think this is necessarily an IDV issue. Doing a google search:
I see somehow else had this problem on a Mac. Are you developing on the Mac? Does this also show up on other platforms?
