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Re: 20030324: Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) problems (cont.)

Dr. Panitz,

Here is another way you can make wind vectors if you have 
two components. You make a fomrula. You need to have the
most recent IDV version 1.0, beta5. Check version with the main menu
choice Help->About.

In the main menu, choose Edit->Create formula.

In the box that appears enter 

Name: windvectors
Description: make wind vectors from u and v
Category: (leave blank)
Formula: makeVector(u, v)

The first three entries can be most anything you like, except the first should
one word (it becomes a Java method name).

Click Add formula.

The formula should appear in the Data sources window. It also will be part of
IDV whenever you start the IDV in future.

Choose the formula, with display type "Vector Plan View" (for 2D or 3D data)
or "Vector Cross Section" (for 3D data).

A window will pop up showing your data sources. CLick on the parameters
which contain u and v data, and then click "OK."

Stuart Wier

> I have an additional question concerning the application of IDV.
> How can I display wind vectors? I understood from the Users Guide that I have
> to define a formula. It works for example for the windspeed, derived from the
> two wind components. But how have vectors to be defined?
> Regards
> Hans-Juergen Panitz
> ******************************************************************************
> *                                        \                                   *
> *               III  M   M  K   K         \  Dr. Hans-Juergen Panitz         *
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