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[THREDDS #TFI-874457]: Redbook Graphics

Hi Justin,

re: who are REQUESTing feeds from
> I am using TAMU.

OK, thanks.

> I should probably clarify a bit. I haven't tried the redbook graphics --
> yet. I was trying to use satellite data on motherlode and manually ingest
> it via edex manual directory.

If you are grabbing imagery that comes from the NOAAPort SBN and is
delivered in the IDD NIMAGE feed, then I would not expect there to
be a problem.  If, on the other hand, you grabbing the GOES image
sectors that are delivered in the IDD UNIWISC feed, the problems
you are having are expected.  The reason is twofold:

- we FILE the images delivered in the NIMAGE and UNIWISC feeds
  without uncompressing them

- EDEX should know how to deal with the compressed format used
  on the NIMAGE images, but it will not understand the compressed
  format of the UNIWISC images

  We created the PNG compression technique used on the UNIWISC
  images, but our lobbying the NWS to adopt our compression
  failed, so it is almost 100% sure that they do not know how
  to handle them.

  The typical thing that end-users must do before being able
  to use the PNG-compressed UNIWISC images is to uncompress
  them back into standard AREA format using the 'ldm-mcidas'
  utility 'pnga2area'.

> The hdf5 data file is there, but D2D is not
> displaying any data thus far, so I figured I would try manually injecting
> it through LDM. I may need to inquire with Michael about it.

Which satellite images were you grabbing?


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(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: TFI-874457
Department: Support Datastream
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed