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NSSL National Mosaic and QPE system is back online

NMQ Product Users,

The National Mosaic and QPE system has been moved to the new National
Weather Center and is now back on line.
You may receive the data via LDM or anonymous ftp from the following server:
We need your IP addresses for both LDM and anonymous ftp access.  Thanks for
those who already sent us your IP addresses.  We have double checked the
firewall settings and made sure that your IPs are allowed to access our
Users who would like to use anonymous ftp please follow these steps:
1. ftp
2. user name: anonymous
3. password: use your email address
4. you'll see directories ³tile1² - ³tile8² (Attached please find a NMQ
domain map with the tile setup).
Under each tile directory, you¹ll see two subdirectories (mosaic2d_nc and
mosaic3d_nc) for the National Mosaic products and others for QPE products.
The data files are in the NetCDF format under the subdirectories.
Note that there was a data gap from 13Z on 5 Sept.2006 to 04:30Z on 6
Sept.2006 which was a result of the move.
The NMQ products can be viewed at the following URL:
If you experience any problems in retrieving data and/or viewing the product
web site, please let us know.
Thank you for your patience,

Jian Zhang,  Ph.D.
Research Scientist
National Weather Center             Tel: 405-325-6485
120 David L. Boren Blvd             Fax: 405-325-6780
Norman, OK73072                     Email: address@hidden

Attachment: NMQ_new_tiles.tiff
Description: Binary data