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20000327: Access to increased volumes of realtime data at SSEC (cont.)

>From: UW SSEC Data Center <address@hidden>
>Organization: Space Science Data Center
>Keywords: 200003232140.OAA18829 McIDAS-X Unidata-Wisconsin ADDE FTP SSEC 
>unirec imagery


>We met this morning to discuss your plan to provide your users with more
>realtime data; the consensus is SSEC definitely would like to be involved.

I never intended for you to not be involved.  My thinking was to be a
"good neighbor" by trying to minimize the impact on your resources.

>We have a few concerns so we will need to some testing here.

I expected that there would be quite a bit of jockying for position
on both sides.

>When you get your survey back it would be useful to know exactly what data
>and the volume you are thinking about.

This is really a "chicken and egg" problem.  My idea is to increase
what is being sent out in the Unidata-Wisconsin datastream in a
reasonable manner.  This would probably take the form of doubling the
temporal frequence of imager products and increasing the VIS product
resolution from 4 to 2 km.  With this set as the baseline, I would then
want to make available by ADDE through the unirec machine as much data
as is possible/practical.  This means that SSEC and the UPC would need
to work together to determine what "as much as possible" really means.
