Re: [thredds] Feedback for ncWMS/TDS integration

Hi Rob and Roy!

Thanks for the feedback!  It's great to see this feature is being used :)

I think my hope is that the TDS keeps up with the latest ncWMS.  I think
there is a significant lag to the native version?  Could be wrong.  If
anything this great work should directly funnel into the TDS as WMS makes
for a great compliment to WCS in the TDS.

Yeap... that is certainly an issue and would dearly love to spend some on this. There's certainly scope for further work :) Ethan has a few suggestions that we can try...

If we load ncWMS on top of the existing TDS, does that trample the WMS
that is build in or will we essentially have two WMS(s)?  The GODIVA2
interface is very nice.  WMS/WCS certainly has applications to

Hm... Not sure, I haven't tried that yet.

If a WFS isn't in the plans, then having WMS layers that are query-able
is a suggestion.

I am wishing we had more time to compare the WMS that is built-in the TDS
vs. the latest greatest ncWMS.  I think we are missing out on a feature
which allows display of vector fields from U/V?

This should be on its way... I have merged the vector layers from ncWMS and have a test version... and it seems to work...

The one thing I am finding with the WMS/WCS via TDS is that each layer is
its own individual service (link).  The typical WMS/WCS server has one
URL to point a client application to get all the available layers.  Of
course with tons of model output, I guess a client could be easily
overwhelmed by the number of available fields.  I have certainly seen
ESRI brought to its knees several times.

Ah, yes :) If only WMS has a way to allow you to "drill down" to get layers, instead of getting one massive document... I suppose, if you can aggregate your datasets, then there should be a significant reduction in layers. I have done this on one of our servers and dedicated 2G of memory to it and it was able to animation a whole year's worth of satellite data. It took a while it's a single layer instead of the daily files...

But Roy has reported some performance issues with aggregation in TDS4...

ESRI and other WMS clients really need to do a better job of supporting
the time dimension.  Oooo... I could go on for hours on this...

Hahaha, yeah :)  I feel your pain.

If you are able to keep up this great work, please do!


I'd give you a pointer to our URL, but its out of service.  Repairing a
raid partition with all the good data :(

Oooh, that doesn't sound too good - hope the repair goes well!

The URL isn't urgent - it's more for my own curiosity ;)

I do have some further questions... Are you running this for a particular project/department, and what kind of users are you getting?

I wonder if there are many GIS users...



Pauline Mak

Assistant Manager, ARCS Data Services
Ph:  +61 3 6226 7518
Mob: +61 411 638 196
Email: pauline.mak@xxxxxxxxxxx
Jabber: pauline.mak@xxxxxxxxxxx

Email: pauline.mak@xxxxxxxxxxx

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