Re: [thredds] Feedback for ncWMS/TDS integration


I think my hope is that the TDS keeps up with the latest ncWMS.  I think
there is a significant lag to the native version?  Could be wrong.  If
anything this great work should directly funnel into the TDS as WMS makes
for a great compliment to WCS in the TDS.

If we load ncWMS on top of the existing TDS, does that trample the WMS
that is build in or will we essentially have two WMS(s)?  The GODIVA2
interface is very nice.  WMS/WCS certainly has applications to

If a WFS isn't in the plans, then having WMS layers that are query-able
is a suggestion.

I am wishing we had more time to compare the WMS that is built-in the TDS
vs. the latest greatest ncWMS.  I think we are missing out on a feature
which allows display of vector fields from U/V?

The one thing I am finding with the WMS/WCS via TDS is that each layer is
its own individual service (link).  The typical WMS/WCS server has one
URL to point a client application to get all the available layers.  Of
course with tons of model output, I guess a client could be easily
overwhelmed by the number of available fields.  I have certainly seen
ESRI brought to its knees several times.

ESRI and other WMS clients really need to do a better job of supporting
the time dimension.  Oooo... I could go on for hours on this...

If you are able to keep up this great work, please do!


I'd give you a pointer to our URL, but its out of service.  Repairing a
raid partition with all the good data :(

> -----Original Message-----
> From: thredds-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:thredds-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Pauline Mak
> Sent: Thursday, August 20, 2009 3:44 AM
> To: thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: [thredds] Feedback for ncWMS/TDS integration
> Hi all,
> It's reporting time for my project and I would appreciate some community
> feedback on the ncWMS/TDS *integration*.  Is anyone enabling the WMS
> feature in their TDS installation?  If so, would I be able to get the
> URL to your site please?  Any comments/experiences/criticisms will, very
> much, be welcomed :)
> Thanks!
> -Pauline.

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