Re: questions about H5DSiterate_scales

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Pedro Vicente Nunes <pvn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hi Ed
>>> I also noticed that H5DSget_num_scales returns -1 (FAIL) in one case
>>> when there is no scale attached. I'll take a look why we did that
>>> this way, but probably we can return 0 for this case
>>Well that would be better.
> I changed the return value of H5DSget_num_scales for a case when there are no 
> scales attached from FAIL (-1) to 0
> the code  is checked in our cvs repo
> the lines of code that were returning -1 in your case are inside the 
> H5DSget_num_scales function
> /* try to find the attribute "DIMENSION_LIST" on the >>data<< dataset */
>  if ((has_dimlist = H5LT_find_attribute(did,DIMENSION_LIST))<0)
>   return FAIL;
>  /* it does not exist */
>  if (has_dimlist == 0)
>   return 0;
> previously it returned FAIL here , the rationale was because it did not find 
> the DIMENSION_LIST attribute.
> it is more correct to return 0, like you noticed, meaning that there was no 
> attempt to previously attach a dimension scale to this dataset
> thanks for the suggestion


Thanks, I'll do a cvs update and try it immediately.

Ed Hartnett  -- ed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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