[ldm-users] ldm docker: volume setup


I am just resetting up the LDM service on gcoos2.tamu.edu 
Could you please help me on 
1. Notice the upstream server to accept my request ?
    I have three servers that are other than idd.unidata.ucar.edu 
<http://idd.unidata.ucar.edu/>, which is 
        a. big bird.tamu.edu
        b. coriolis.met.tamu.edu
        c. ldm.tamu.edu

2. A question on LDM docker. 
    In the past, when I installed the LDM server, it is “suggested” and 
“required” that to create a user, said “ldm”. 
    Is this also necessary to have in the ldm-docker, too? Or I can just assign 
a user for this (saying the default 1000:1000).
Thank You,
Chuan-Yuan Hsu
{‘Title’ : ‘Postdoctoral Research Associate’, 
 ‘Organization’ : ‘ Department of Oceanography, Texas A&M University’,
 ‘Organization’ : ‘Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ocean Observing System, GCOOS’,
 ‘Office’ : ‘979-845-3956’,
 ‘Mobile’ : ‘734-926-5394’
 ‘Web’ : 'http://gcoos.org’}

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