Thanks for the reply, it works perfectly if rename the file "SAFR31 LFPW 311230"
Another question, related to pqsurf, I noticed that products are duplicated ,
e.g. by example :
SAFR32 LFPW 311900^M^M
LFBT 311900Z 10003KT CAVOK 27/20 Q1022 NOSIG=^M^M
SAFR31 KWBC 311900^M^M
LFBT 311900Z 10003KT CAVOK 27/20 Q1022 NOSIG=^M^M
In the second case, I have a METAR, and in the first case, not.
For pqsurf.conf, I have:
WMO ^(metar|speci) (....) ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])
DBFILE data/surface/gdbm/(\3:yyyy)(\3:mm)\3\4.metar_gdb \2
So, in the first case, the entry is then not processed by pqsurf?
It seems the case, because in my try to insert prods, I don't have a METAR line,
and the product is not processed by pqsurf. Should I have a non-restrictive
pqsurf.conf, like:
WMO (*) (....) ([0-3][0-9])([0-2][0-9])
DBFILE data/surface/gdbm/(\3:yyyy)(\3:mm)\3\4.metar_gdb \2
My ldmd.conf is:
exec "pqsurf -p ^(S[AP]) -Q /io/ldm/data/pqsurf.pq -d /io/ldm
Christian Page
On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Robb Kambic wrote:
> On Tue, 31 Jul 2001, Christian Page wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I want to insert a few supplemental METARs into the local product queue of
> > LDM
> > and have them processed by pqact, pqsurf. I tried pqinsert:
> >
> > pqinsert -vx -q /io/ldm/data/ldm.pq -f IDS /io/ldm/data/nws/LF.TXT
> > The products are in the queue, but they are not processed. If I try pqinsert
> > again:
> Christian,
> Your process is correct but with one small detail missing. The product
> identifier in the above example is "/io/ldm/data/nws/LF.TXT" so your
> pqact entries must be expecting that identifier. Do you have an
> pqact entry for that identifier under feedtype IDS? Another problem is
> that pqsurf is looking for the standard WMO identifier too. ie "SAFR31
> LFPW 311230" Actually pqinsert should have an id flag to set the
> identifier. One solution would be to create a filename with the desired
> WMO indentifier and then use pqinsert. The other problem about the
> product already being in the que is that the LDM sees it as a duplicate
> product and so it ignores it. One can wait unitl the product is removed
> from the que, about an hour on a LDM receiving data or create a product
> that is slighty different. The product is considered the same from the
> WMO heading down to the end of the data. One quick way to change the
> product would be to duplicate a internal report.
> Robb...
> > Mapping 267993088
> > pqinsert: Product already in queue: 91d8a5146b2ede24afaae708b94975f9
> > 398
> > 20010731124810.406 IDS
> >
> > of course the product has already been inserted.
> >
> > The file itself is (where ^M ^C and ^A are control characters):
> > ^C^A^M^M
> > 981 ^M^M
> > SAFR31 LFPW 311230^M^M
> > LFJL 311230Z AUTO 26010KT 9999 SCT058 SCT070 30/15 Q1022=^M^M
> > LFBG 311230Z 36006KT 320V040 CAVOK 31/16 Q1024=^M^M
> > ^M^M
> >
> >
> > I put a dummy number 981, and a dummy product header SAFR31 LFPW.
> > The real SAFR31 LFPW product has already been processed by LDM.
> >
> > What is missing?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Christian Page
> > UQAM
> >
> >
> >
> ===============================================================================
> Robb Kambic Unidata Program Center
> Software Engineer III Univ. Corp for Atmospheric Research
> rkambic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx WWW:
> ===============================================================================