Re: LDM 5.1.2. RedHat 7 Install


The LDM has gone through a fair number of changes since 5.0.5.
Off the top of my head (at my less than finest hour) I'm wondering if
you're expecting to configure 5.1.2 the same as 5.0.5.  In particular,
are you trying to use ldmadmin.conf to configure ldmadmin?  That has
not been in use for some time. Also, I presume you started with a new
queue with your new installation, right?

I don't think you should rebuild the kernal just yet. If it's not
the above then I'd like to ask you the standard questions.  We can
take this off line.


Anne Wilson                     UCAR Unidata Program            
anne@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx                  P.O. Box 3000
                                  Boulder, CO  80307
Unidata WWW server

On Thu, 16 Nov 2000, Justin Weaver wrote:

> I have had great success installing and utilizing LDM on HP-UX boxes 
> since about 1995.  Recently, I installed LDM 5.1.2 on a Pentium III box 
> running Redhat 7.  The installation went smoothly and all pertinent 
> processes fired up as usual.  I am feeding the box with an AWIPS 
> asynchronous feed to Com Port 1 (ttyS0) and have verified that products 
> are arriving at the Com Port.  However, LDM, or I guess more 
> specifically, pqing, is not recognizing any valid products, thus 
> nothing ever shows up in the queue.  Also puzzling, is that I am able 
> to insert a product into the queue via pqinsert, but upon completion of 
> that, pqact does nothing with the product, and it just sits in the 
> queue.  I have this exact configuration (only LDM 5.0.5) successfully 
> running on an HP-UX 10.2 machine.  I have verified with others in the 
> NWS (and as I am sure many of you can attest) that LDM 5.1.2 will 
> definitely work with RedHat 7, but I sure am having a problem.
> I have searched every LDM/Linux WWW page I can find and have posted 
> this problem internally to the NWS without any success.  ldmd.log shows 
> no errors. I tried both binary and source installs and noted no 
> differences.  I even tried two or three earlier versions of LDM, also 
> with no success.  If anyone could offer any suggestions on how to 
> troubleshoot this problem further, I would be very much appreciative.  
> The machine is basically clean, and I have the option of rebuilding the 
> kernel if needed.  I am just about out of ideas.  Thanks in advance for 
> any help.
> Justin
> ---------------------------------
> Justin Weaver                        
> Lead Forecaster/AWIPS Focal Point
> National Weather Service
> Detroit/Pontiac (DTX)
> ---------------------------------

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