Re: [idvusers] [thredds] Update - Changes to

Hi all:

The rollout on friday hit a few snags, compounded by me being sick so I couldnt respond quickly. "Bundles broke" because there was a file leak that brought the whole server down. Also there was a problem with the way the new GRIB indexer handled GRIB1 timeType=10. Those problems have been fixed now.

You might think "why dont we just wait?" The problem is that the TDS 4.3 server is not getting updated as the data changes. We made a decision 2 weeks ago that it wasnt worth fixing, since the problem is fixed in 4.5. So its in all of our interests to get 4.5 onto, as soon as possible.

You might think "Why didnt we find these problems before releasing?" Because we dont have a separate test team, like commercial software release cycle does. We constantly improve our testing, but plenty gets past us. We rely on the users to find the last set of bugs. And its all but impossible to get users to try beta software. Fact of life.

The variable names have not changed. The bundles will still work. We are fixing the ones that Darryl discovered had changed.

The ncss service changed its service endpoint. Users reading the catalog or using the html form will pick that up transparently. If you have it hardcoded in a script, then you need to change it. If its operational, you have to do it immediately after we switch. Just remove the /grid/ part of your URL. The IDV doesnt use the ncss service. If theres an actual script user who is using the ncss service, who cant make changes in a timely manner, let us know and we will work with you. We dont need to imagine possible scenarios that may not exist.

Right now, we know there's a problem with the radar server, which we will have fixed by tommorrow. Otherwise, try your bundles against Give it a try, report the problems, we will get them fixed. When they are fixed, we will make the switch. But please dont wait a week, do them this week.

Theres typically a long tail of problems that get fixed over time. If you cant get to it, ok, let us know when you find them and we will fix the problem then. The IDV could make a contribution here by allowing users to easily update the URLS in their bundles. The NCEP models are constantly changing, not to mention the GRIB tables themselves. The idea that URLS can never change is not a real possibility. Just a fact of life.

We arent releasing 4.5 yet for others to use. We are shaking it out against the live server. We dont really have any better options. We are working really hard to make this work. I would personally appreciate any help you can give.


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