Re: [idvusers] [thredds] Update - Changes to

Hi Don,

> On 4/2/14, 11:07 AM, Don Murray (NOAA Affiliate) wrote:
> How long is the test phase going to last?  Will it give users adequate
> time to test out the new capabilities?

We were thinking of proposing a testing period of this week, through the weekend, and see where things stand on Monday. Given that the test plugin makes the process of testing bundles no more difficult than running the bundle itself, I would think that would be enough time. We will send an email to the different users of THREDDS with specific changes and instructions on how to best test.

> Please let me know when you have this working in the IDV. ;-)

I will look into it. As you know, this has been an issue with the IDV for many, many years now, and this particular suggestion is not something new. But I'll be sure to let you know how things go ;-)


On 4/2/14, 8:34 AM, Don Murray (NOAA Affiliate) wrote:
Hi Sean-

On 4/1/14 9:26 AM, Sean Arms wrote:
2) IDV Users, part 1: Everything should be back to how it was prior to
last Friday. However, we will need to restart the TDS a few times each
day, and this will result in being unavailable for
short windows of time (things usually bounce within 2-3 minutes). If
notice that a collection has stopped updating, please let us know via
email to support-thredds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.

Could you please post the times that you will be restarting the TDS so
that we can adjust our automatically updating bundles and cron scripts
to not hit the server at those times.



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