[conduit] NCEP firewall mitigation to help CONDUIT latencies scheduled 11/12-11/14!

  • To: Pete Pokrandt <poker@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [conduit] NCEP firewall mitigation to help CONDUIT latencies scheduled 11/12-11/14!
  • From: Anne Myckow - NOAA Affiliate <anne.myckow@xxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2019 15:26:50 -0500
Hello CONDUIT users,

As some of you may know, NCEP is working to expand our firewall and network
bandwidth in both our College Park and Boulder sites. We believe this
should alleviate the latencies we've been experiencing with the CONDUIT

The work for our College Park site has been scheduled for 11/12, 11/13, and
11/14, and there is an anticipated 15min outage for each of those days.
Here is the schedule:
11/12 12z-14z (15min interruption likely towards beginning of the window)
11/13 12z-14z (15min interruption possible during window)
11/14 12z-14z (15min interruption possible during window)

If you are unable to pull CONDUIT data for more than 15 minutes any of
those days please let the Dataflow team know. Also if you have any
questions, let us know.

Anne Myckow
WCCIS Data & Sciences Team Lead
NOAA Affiliate
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