Re: [awips2-users] MADIS ingest

The website for MADIS data has this:
AWIPS netCDF Files

MADIS supplies some observational datasets that are in addition to what's
normally available via the SBN. These files are formatted for display in
D2D, and customization packages (including *README* instructions and the
necessary *customFiles* files to be used in the localization tasks) are

Does anyone have the README and 'customFiles' mentioned above ?

I have been unsuccessful in starting EDEX in a mode to read MADIS NetCDF.

Help would be appreciated!


On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 1:30 PM S Dettling <dettling@xxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi ,
> Does anyone have experience with netCDF MADIS data ingest? I did a
> distributed EDEX install and have have the MADIS data coming in (compressed
> and uncompressed). I have a distribs file for the raw madis data but the
> data go into the "unrecognized files" log. I have noticed the default modes
> do not contain madis specific xml files. The  xml files  under modes
> containing MADIS do not seem to be available. I also tried using
> to start up in a non default mode (unsuccessfully).   If anyone has
> experience please message me.
> Thanks!
> Sue
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