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Re: 20020124: netcdf-3.5.1-beta3 on Cray J90 and NEC SX-5

Hi Len,

> cc: address@hidden
> From: Len Makin <address@hidden>
> Subject: netcdf-3.5.1-beta3
> Organization: CSIRO Mathematics & Information Sciences
> Keywords: 200201240513.g0O5DTx25244 netCDF Cray J90 NEC SX-5

The above message contained the following:

> Hello support people,
>       I am still having trouble with netcdf and our 64 bit machines
> (Cray J90, NEC SX-5).  I interpreted remarks in the Known Problems
> page and the RELEASE_NOTES from netcdf-3.5.1-beta3:
> "                Added support for eight-byte integers in Fortran90
>                 interface.              "
> as meaning that at least some problems had been addressed. However the
> build fails on both machines with message like:
> cc -c -O3 -I../libsrc -I.   ncgentab.c
> CC-5 cc: ERROR File = ncgenyy.c, Line = 3
>   The source file "inttypes.h" is unavailable.
>   #include <inttypes.h>
>                        ^
> gmake[2]: *** [ncgentab.o] Error 1
> gmake[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/cslkm/netcdf-3.5.1-beta3/src/ncgen'
> What is inttypes.h? Aha! C99 standard. None of our compilers except Linux
> gcc is anywhere near compliant yet. Is there another way?

The 3.5.1-beta3 release was made to fix someone's problem.  Apparently,
the release isn't quite up-to-snuff for other platforms.  We'll have to
work on that.  Thanks for reporting this.

We think you have two options:

    1.  Recreate the file ncgen/ncgenyy.c:

        1.  Go into the ncgen/ subdirectory.

        2.  Remove the file ncgenyy.c.

        3.  Execute the command "make ncgenyy.c".  If the command fails,
            then try option #2.

        4.  Go to the top-level source directory and follow the
            instructions near the end of the file INSTALL.html on
            building the package.

    2.  Try the 3.5.0 distribution.

Steve Emmerson   <http://www.unidata.ucar.edu>