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Re: netCDF Operators

>Date: Thu, 17 Mar 1994 13:52:49 -0800 (PST)
>From: address@hidden (Adam Sussman)
>To: address@hidden
>Subject: netCDF Operators

In the above message you wrote:

>Hello. I work at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography on the CEPEX
>project.  We are currently working on a large scale integrated database
>of oceanographic at atmospheric information collected during the CEPEX
>experiment. These datasets are being converted to netcdf format in
>order to perform various manipuations on them. Among these are fully
>ranged extractions of multiple data sets into one, collocations,
>interpolations, etc etc.  Recently, we looked at upgrading our netcdf
>libraries and saw the list of ncoperators. Some of them are very
>similar to what we have already implemented, are currently working on,
>and plan to write in the future. Naturaly, we do not wish to re-invent
>the wheel and we were very interested to see and use the operators you
>have written. However, only a few of the programs described in the
>documentation are in the software package. Where are these programs? We
>are also interested to know if these programs will avaible in some
>library form that we can use from within our own programs.  In addition
>if you know of any other usefull netcdf based libraries, we would very
>much appreciate be pointed in their direction.
>Thank you,
>Adam Sussman

Unfortunately, our work on netCDF operators has taken a back seat to
our work on an Internet-based data distribution system.  For the near
furture (one year?) it is unlikely that any significant work will be
done on netCDF operators by the Unidata Program Center.

The only extant netCDF operators are those in the NCOPERS package:
ncbarne, ncstat, and ncextr.

I am willing to advise any third-party efforts.

Steve Emmerson   <address@hidden>