Yep, they are alerted immediately now when the SBN/NOAAport has a complete outage.
It's back up as of 22:41Z. The complete outage was about 10 minutes, but yep, most feeds went down five minutes before that.
Gilbert On Aug 1, 2022, at 5:42 PM, Mike Zuranski <address@hidden> wrote:
I think you're right...
Data is flowing again here.
====================== Mike Zuranski Meteorology Support Analyst
College of DuPage - Nexlab ====================== On Mon, Aug 1, 2022 at 5:40 PM Gilbert Sebenste < address@hidden> wrote: They know what's going on, alarms are going off like crazy right now at NCO...
Gilbert Can confirm, since about 22:25. Maybe a trickle or two in there but pretty much dead. I'll give it a couple more minutes since it came up within 15 last time, then I'll shoot an email to NCO and let them know.
====================== Mike Zuranski Meteorology Support Analyst
College of DuPage - Nexlab ====================== On Mon, Aug 1, 2022 at 5:35 PM Gilbert Sebenste < address@hidden> wrote: As of 22:30Z. Outage ongoing at 22:35Z.
-- ----
Opinions are not of my employer, but all facts are.
Gilbert Sebenste
Consulting Meteorologist
AllisonHouse, LLC
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