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[NOAAPORT #ZLV-851048]: LDM misses data on NOAAPORT via satellite


> Quick question to your list ldmd.conf for the LDM configuration EXEC lines
> I see that you have a multicast 


> the listing sheet that I have of
> the addresses does not have that one listed.

This was added by the NWS as a test for distributing NBM data in its own
channel.  The test is scheduled to end on December 8.

> Therefore, I do not have a PID for the Novra receiver. 
> Can you tell me what the PIDs you have in your receiver or at least
> for this channel? 

The announcement of the test did not mention a different PID, only the
port 1206.  I was left assuming that they were/are not using a new
PID for the test.

> Is there a current listing of these on the internet?

My searching for updated information has always indicated that a number
of the NOAA webpages that list information like this have not being updated
recently, so I can't give you a reference, sorry.

Here is the URL for a NOAA document dated October 26 that was an update
to the schedule for testing dissemination of the NBM fields in a separate


You will see that this document incorrectly refers to port numbers as PIDs.

Just so you can compare which PIDs you have your Novra S300N (or some other
DVBS2 unit) configure for, here is a 'cmcs' listing from one of our units:

CMCS> show pids

        MPE PIDs being processed:       101     102     103     104     105
                                        106     107     108     150     151

        PIDs being forwarded raw:

> Also, is there a user's group for LDM that I can keep more up to date on
> some of these items?

New LDM releases are announced on the address@hidden email
list.  You can (un)subscribe to email lists that we maintain online at:


They are also listed in the News section of our webpage:


> Thanks for your help thus far, I will work to implement these changes
> you mentioned Friday this coming week and report back after some testing.

OK, but, if the NWS follows their schedule, the NBM test should end 
on Monday.  Whether or not they will keep to this schedule is unknown
(after all, the start of the test was delayed).


- we are going to leave the setup for port 1206 in the anticipation
  the NWS will declare the test successful and implement the distribution
  change permanently

- In reviewing the NOAAPort ingest log files, I note that the NBM products
  being distributed via port 1206 are being put into the HDS and
  IDS|DDPLUS feedtypes

  This is different from what was seen before the test, so I have to
  believe that there has been a change to the (header of) the products
  that is causing them to be inserted into the "wrong" (meaning
  unexpected) feedtypes.  These would not be the only products that
  are not following published standards for the information included
  in NOAAPort broadcast headers, so this was not shocking to me, at

I'll be on the lookout for your email.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
address@hidden                                   Boulder, CO 80307
Unidata HomePage                       http://www.unidata.ucar.edu

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: ZLV-851048
Department: Support NOAAPORT
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
NOTE: All email exchanges with Unidata User Support are recorded in the Unidata 
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