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[Support #HDQ-517625]: Assistance requested for "Gap in packet sequence" log entries from noaaportIngester

Hi Gregg,

> Yes, the "elimination" of the second NOVRA multicasting on 140.90.173.x was
> the only thing that changed.  More details below.  The invocation of the
> noaaportIngestor has been the following, since you, Tom and I had the
> Google Meet call over a week ago:
> *SBN1:*
> [ldmcp@*sbn1* ~/logs]$ ps -ef | grep Ingest |grep -v grep
> root      3132  3128  3 Jun26 ?        04:21:23 noaaportIngester -m
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/1.nmc.log
> root      3133  3128  0 Jun26 ?        00:00:04 noaaportIngester -m
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/2.goes.log
> root      3134  3128  6 Jun26 ?        09:46:24 noaaportIngester -m
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/3.nmc2.log
> root      3135  3128  0 Jun26 ?        00:15:12 noaaportIngester -m
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/4.nopt.log
> root      3136  3128  0 Jun26 ?        00:22:58 noaaportIngester -m
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/5.nmc3.log
> root      3137  3128  0 Jun26 ?        00:11:05 noaaportIngester -m
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/8.exp.log
> root      3138  3128  2 Jun26 ?        03:33:45 noaaportIngester -m
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/9.grw.log
> root      3139  3128  2 Jun26 ?        03:18:33 noaaportIngester -m
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/10.gre.log
> [ldmcp@sbn1 ~/logs]$

So, the noaaportIngester(1) processes on SBN1 didn't have an interface 
specified. This would cause them to receive every multicast packet sent to the 
proper group address *regardless of which interface it arrive on*.

Mystery solved?

Steve Emmerson

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HDQ-517625
Department: Support NOAAPORT
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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