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[Support #HDQ-517625]: Assistance requested for "Gap in packet sequence" log entries from noaaportIngester

Hi Gregg,

> The Gap errors have gone away.  SPC identified *another* NOVRA box with
> just PID 106 configured to multicast on our public network 140.90.173.x
> The SBN1 and SBN2 servers have direct connections to NOVRA boxes and these
> servers *also* sit on the 140.90.173.x network.  So the noaaportIngester
> was receiving data from two different NOVRA boxes (i.e. the direct connect,
> and the NOVRA multicasting on via the 140.90.173.x network).
> Question, even though the various instances of noaaportIngestor are running
> and specifically listening to configured multicast addresses (i.e. see
> below), can they also pick up a multicast on, which isn't
> configured via ldmd.conf (see below)?

This is a question for Steve.  But, I have to add that the original setup
on SBN1 was to explicitly specify the Ethernet interface to listen to for
the various ports/PIDs.  I do not know how traffic on one Ethernet
interface could affect that on a different Ethernet interface.

I have a counter example that supports my surprise/incredulity that this
was the cause of all of the problems:  we were feeding all NOAAPort channels
to one of the test machines at NOAA/GSL on their public Ethernet interface
while a Novra S300N was still sending all data to their other Ethernet interface
which, like yours, was/is private.  During this experiment, there was no
interference with the two different feeds.

> [ldmcp@sbn2 ~/logs]$ !ps
> ps -ef | grep noa
> root      4137  4133  4 20:57 ?        00:02:56 noaaportIngester -m 
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/1.nmc.log
> root      4138  4133  0 20:57 ?        00:00:00 noaaportIngester -m 
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/2.goes.log
> root      4139  4133 12 20:57 ?        00:08:19 noaaportIngester -m 
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/3.nmc2.log
> root      4140  4133  0 20:57 ?        00:00:09 noaaportIngester -m 
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/4.nopt.log
> root      4141  4133  1 20:57 ?        00:01:07 noaaportIngester -m 
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/5.nmc3.log
> root      4142  4133  1 20:57 ?        00:00:58 noaaportIngester -m 
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/8.exp.log
> root      4143  4133  0 20:57 ?        00:00:00 noaaportIngester -m 
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/9.grw.log
> root      4144  4133  4 20:57 ?        00:03:05 noaaportIngester -m 
> -n -l /home/ldmcp/logs/10.gre.log
> ldmcp    14001  9718  0 22:06 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto noa
> [ldmcp@sbn2 ~/logs]$

The question is: what does the output of 'netstat -rn' look like on

> Please keep me on the email list of Gap errors from the different sites and
> I'll compare the information to what we see from SBN1 and SBN2.

OK, I added you to the list after seeing your previous post.

> So, this has been a painful lesson on another issue of what can cause Gap
> errors, another NOVRA box multicasting any data.

I don't see how at the moment.  Hopefully Steve can likely shed some light
on this.

> Sorry we didn't figure this out sooner and before contacting you.  We
> greatly appreciate all of your time, efforts and assistance.

No worries.


Unidata User Support                                    UCAR Unidata Program
(303) 497-8642                                                 P.O. Box 3000
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Ticket Details
Ticket ID: HDQ-517625
Department: Support NOAAPORT
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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