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Re: 19990215: redef() problem under AIX

> References: <address@hidden>
> Reply-To: address@hidden
> To: Steve Emmerson <address@hidden>
> Subject: Re: 19990215: redef() problem under AIX
> Hello Steve!
> Thank you for your answer!
> Your suggestion was helpful!
> If I use nf__open with a chunksize not equal 4096 then the error doesn't
> (for example 8000, 8192 and 10000 are ok, 4000 is not ok)
> (the size() system call returns 4096 for the component st_blksize of the
> stat-structure)
> But we are developing our programms parallel on AIX and Cray. Because of this
> we would like it, if we don't have two program-versions(nf__open on AIX and
> nf_open on Cray).
> Do I have a chance to change something at the installation of netcdf on AIX,
> I can use nf_open without problems?
> Is there a possibility to detect such an overwriting-error by a netcdf
> environment variable or something else?
> Thanks
> Juergen


Thank you for trying this test. It will help us track down the problem.

Attached find a small patch to libsrc/posixio.c which will workaround the
problem for now. Apply the patch on AIX and rebuild the library.

Since the cray uses ffio.c instead of posixio.c, you do _not_ need
to apply the workaround there.

Index: posixio.c
RCS file: /upc/share/CVS/netcdf-3/libsrc/posixio.c,v
retrieving revision 1.66
diff -r1.66 posixio.c
<               return (size_t) sb.st_blksize;
>               if(sb.st_blksize >= 8192)
>                       return (size_t) sb.st_blksize;
>               return 8192;