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970613: building using NAG f90


>Date: 13 Jun 1997 09:12:17 -0500 
>From: "Steve Mauget" <address@hidden>
>Organization: USDA
>To: "Steve Emmerson" <address@hidden>
>Subject: Re: 970612: building using N 
>Keywords: 199706021417.IAA27579

In the above message, you wrote:

>     Ok, you want me to compile only Ftest.F. But the f90 compiler doesn't
> recognise .F file extensions, no?

The NAG f90 compiler doesn't handle .F extensions, but your (new and
improved!) makefile rule should.  Try the following:

    1.  Drop into the fortran/ subdirectory.

    2.  Remove the files ftest.o and ftest.f.

    3.  See how the object file ftest.o would be created:

            make -n ftest.o

    4.  Compile ftest.F with the option in question:

            make ftest.o FFLAGS='-mismatch ...'

        (The elipsis (...) refers to any compilation flags from step 3

Steve Emmerson   <address@hidden>