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19990324: comments and sorry, but another McIDAS question

>From: Robert Mullenax <address@hidden>
>Organization: NMSU/NSBF
>Keywords: 199903242347.QAA06525 McIDAS DSSERVE.BAT


>I really like the new ualist command.!

How about the UAPLOT command for Skewt-Ts, Stuves, Log-linear, etc.?

>I have one more McIDAS question.  Out of ignorance I have running
>LSSERVE.BAT while setting up my ordinary users (weather) in order to
>see all of the ADDE groups, not just MYDATA.

There is no problem in doing this.  The only overhead that it incurs is
the need to setup REDIRECTions for AREAs, GRIDS, MDXXs, and TEXT files
for each user (this is done in EXAMPLE.NAM anyway, so it is not a
big deal).  If the average user always goes through the remote ADDE
server, then s/he really doesn't need to know the mapping between
AREA numbers and RTIMAGES/.... dataset names.

>I have discovered while
>installing 7.5, that this is not suggested in the setup for ordinary

My thinking was that for average users it would be easier to always go
through the remote ADDE server and not worry about this sort of thing.
If the users are more adept, then knowledge of the sort of information
in DSSERVE.BAT (the distribution copy of LSSERVE.BAT) might be useful.

>What danger would there be in doing this?

None that I can think of off of the top of my head.

>I would like the
>ordinary user to be able to see the list, but not if there is a
>potential for a problem by running LSSERVE .BAT again.

I wouldn't worry about any danger.  I would think about not forcing
your users to run LSSERVE.BAT, however.  You can give them access to
this information in a different manner:

o add a REDIRECTion for RESOLV.SRV (the file that is created when you
  run DSSERVE ADD) for the user 'mcidas' (and, by virtue of its sharing
  the same home directory, for 'mcadde') that points to the 
  /home/mcidas/data directory. 

o move RESOLV.SRV from /home/mcidas/workdata to /home/mcidas/data

All users will then be able to see the file by virtue of their having
/home/mcidas/data in their MCPATH.




>From address@hidden  Thu Mar 25 07:00:54 1999
I do like the UAPLOT command also, especially the fact that you can go
to the top of the run, not just to 100mb.  I would like to see RAOBPLOT
be able to plot data above 100mb as well, and I don't believe that I can do
any contouring of upper-air data above 100mb as well.

Thanks for your help.  I will be building 7.5 on our Intel machine today.
Robert Mullenax