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[LDM #XQC-361661]: LDM Question

Hi Bob,

> I spoke too soon, see the output of one of the cron jobs below. Not sure if
> I should worry about it, or if you had any other suggestions.
> I decided to run the "ldmadmin check" command without sending the output to
> /dev/null, here's the output:
> (ldm.ipa.unca.edu /ldm-home > ldmadmin check
> Checking for a running LDM system...
> Checking the system clock...
> Checking the most-recent insertion into the queue...
> Vetting the size of the queue against the maximum acceptable latency...
> vetQueueSize(): The maximum acceptable latency (registry parameter
> "/server/max-latency": 3600 seconds) is greater than the observed
> minimum virtual residence time of data-products in the queue (8 seconds).
> This will hinder detection of duplicate data-products.
> The value of the "/reconciliation-mode" registry-parameter is "do nothing"
> vetQueueSize(): The queue should be 199424005200 bytes in size with
> 735300 slots or the maximum-latency parameter should be decreased to
> 8 seconds. You should set registry-parameter "/reconciliation-mode" to
> "increase queue" or "decrease maximum latency" or manually adjust the
> relevant registry parameters and recreate the queue.

The above indicates that your product-queue is way too small for the amount of 
data you're receiving and the value of the "/server/max-latency" parameter in 
the LDM registry. A larger queue or a smaller max-latency parameter is 
necessary for detecting and rejecting duplicate data-products.

It's unlikely, however, that you need a 200 GB queue. What feeds are you 
requesting and what is the output of the command "regutil | grep queue"?

> I didn't see the errors from chronyd but there are some other diagnostics
> that I'm not sure what to do with.
> Suggestions?
> Now we just have to figure-out how to integrate this into the next release.
> >
> > Be advised that your next installation won't work unless we do.
> >
> I understand. One of our professors, XXX XXXX did the install of the
> LDM software so he may wish to weigh in regarding the above
> recommendations.  Would it make more sense to simply install a new version
> and move the modifications you suggested to the new installation path?

Not yet. Let's get the queue size fixed first.

Steve Emmerson

Ticket Details
Ticket ID: XQC-361661
Department: Support LDM
Priority: Normal
Status: Closed
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