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[IDV #JHP-799950]: Conserved sounding animation driver is broken

> Dear Yuan,
> The conserved sounding animation times seem to be broken.
> They don’t match the main view window.
> They are not the time I selected during creating it (I selected only ONE 
> time).
> In the Display List, its time is not shown, so there seems to be no way at 
> all to verify if its data are at the desired time!
> It seems to be labeled as some current times. I don’t know why.
> Screenshot below.
> Bundle below.
> I’m trying to see the warm core of this little amazing cyclone in it, which I 
> can clearly see in the theta cross section.
> https://go.nasa.gov/2JzRHbK
> The GFS data (0.25 degree) will time off ther server soon… Best Time Series 
> is a very short buffer of those data on your IDD apparently!
> Brian
> [cid:ac9af06c-956f-4a40-b525-71bbe917c984@namprd07.prod.outlook.com]
> Brian Mapes
> address@hidden<mailto:address@hidden>
Hi Brian,

I don't know how the bundle was created, but the display and the animation time 
is quite different.  See the attached animation timeline, the
time of all data is ONLY One time. 


Ticket Details
Ticket ID: JHP-799950
Department: Support IDV
Priority: Normal
Status: Open
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Attachment: Screen Shot 2019-10-31 at 10.38.31 AM.png
Description: PNG image