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20041015: IDV - idv opening bundle from html

>From: "Fingerhut, William A" <address@hidden>
>Organization: Lyndon State
>Keywords: 200410131743.i9DHhJUE013739 IDV bundle loading

Hi Bill-

I have no solution for this problem since we can't recreate it.
Also, since it works for you on Linux and sometimes on Windows,
it's got to be something with your setup.  Are any of the 
directories in the path of the file hidden directories?

If you have more info to help us diagnose this, let us know.


>> Works for me too.  Bill, what directory are you in when you 
>> start the IDV, 
>"C:\Program Files\IDV_1.1\"
>target is: "C:\Program Files\IDV_1.1\runIDV.bat"
>> what directory is the html file in and what 
>> directory is the bundle in.  
>Both are in:
>C:\Documents and Settings\waf01060.LSC\My Documents\IDV
>> Do you have permission to read 
>> the bundle file? 
>Yes, I have admin access to the whole pc.
>I can read this bundle directly with file --> open.
>> How are you loading in the HTML page?
>I've tried this several ways, and none work.
>In the, Data Selector, Add New Data Source.
>In the Data Source Selector: Files tab; Data Source Type, Text or html files;
>defaults to last directory used, My Documents\IDV; I can see the html file,
>bundles.html in the file list; click file; click, Add Source. The html file
>opens in the IDV html viewer. Help --> details:
>Display: C:\Documents and Se... -   Data:
> C:\Documents and Settings\waf01060.LSC\My Documents\IDV\bundles.html C:\Docume
> nts and Settings\waf01060.LSC\My Documents\IDV\bundles.html from Text data so
> urce
>C:\Documents and Settings\waf01060.LSC\My Documents\IDV\bundles.html
>Date:    Wed, 13 Oct 2004 15:55:33 EDT
>From:    "Fingerhut, William A" <address@hidden>
>Subject: RE: 20041013: IDV - idv opening bundle from html
>Yes, it works for me too on Linux.
>On Windows, every once in a while it works after I try
>several times. Sorry to be vague, but I do not see the 
>pattern. Then, if I close the html viewer and start again,
>it will fail as I originally described.

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